Wednesday, 21 April 2010

A Mixed Bag

I haven't posted for a few days because I haven't had anything to post! At my office I have been having the usual; two Nuthatches feeding in my little plastic tray of sunflower hearts fastened to the window frame, singing Chiffchaff and singing Blackcap. I had the window open this morning and the Blackcap was very loud, but I couldn't see him.

I had a couple of visits in the Ribble Valley today and as I drove down the valley side to the first farm I had 40 Whimbrel and 20 Curlews. The Whimbrels were my first for the spring. The farmer then showed me a field where he had between four and six pairs of Lapwing on eggs, so I will be back at a later date to ring the chicks.

I had some time between my first and second appointment and after my sandwiches parked on the side of Longridge Fell I decided to 'stretch my legs' for half an hour. A male Kestrel hovered over the 'white moor' and had to keep taking evasive action when one or two of the radio controlled model gliders came too close!

As I walked along the edge of the ridge the views were fantastic. I could see all the way from Snowdonia along the Irish sea coast past the Fylde, up to the Lakeland Fells and across Bowland to the Yorkshire Dales. Six Skylarks shot past chasing each other and I had a single Wheatear along with half a dozen Meadow Pipits.

I kept an eye skywards in case of any raptors. I had a single Buzzard head north and two Ravens patrolling over the heather.

Back at home later I checked my moth trap and all I had were two Hebrew Characters. It was very cold last night and tonight the temperature is going to drop below freezing so my trap won't be out.

No photo's from today but I have posted a few pictures of an 'after third year' male Northern Harrier caught and ringed by my good friend Nigel in Canada. What an awesome bird!

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