Tuesday, 17 November 2009

More Of The Same

When is this bloody weather going to end? I asked myself this at lunchtime and checked the forecast and it is going to remain wet and westerly until at least Saturday (21st)! At the moment I just feel, no, know that I'm on a birding tread mill. So once again it was off to my feeding station on Rawcliffe Moss to feed again today. Now, don't get me wrong I enjoy running the feeding station and it provides food to Lancashire's largest flock of wintering Tree Sparrows, but it would be good to get out somewhere else on the days that I don't have to feed.

When I arrived at the feeding station this morning I could see Phil's vehicle parked on the track. I walked along the hedgerow and put two buckets of seed down. Tree Sparrows were up by three birds to 210, which is the highest count so far this winter. I wonder if they will top 300 like they did last winter? With the Tree Sparrows were perhaps 15 Chaffinch and 3-4 Blackbirds moved down the hedge in front of me.

As I got back to the car Phil arrived back from his walk. He had been down the track shortly before me so it was interesting how soon the Tree Sparrows returned to feed after being disturbed. We both lamented the current weather situation and then it was off to work for me.

Now I am going to finish with a picture of a 'foxy' little bird, quite literally a Fox Sparrow, from my mate Nigel in Canada.

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