Saturday, 6 February 2010

Fogged Off

Ian and I headed to Rawcliffe Moss this morning for what we thought was going to be a good ringing session. However, the foggy conditions didn't bode well and we put the nets up in the hope that the fog would clear soon. It wasn't to be. On the first round the two nets were white and heavy with frost, looking like some 'over-the-top' Xmas decorations! I knew straight away that we wouldn't catch and that there was no point continuing. We ringed two Dunnocks, single Blackbird and retrapped a Robin.

There were plenty of birds heading to the feeding station as we could hear them but couldn't see them. Tree Sparrows and Yellowhammers called, but how many we just couldn't tell. I took a couple of pictures (below) of one of the Dunnocks we caught and it reminded me of how privileged we are as ringers to be able to handle birds.

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