I have to go to the farm at lunchtime to feed my Tree Sparrows so I try and console myself with "at least I'm getting out". Some poor birders will be indoors 9-5, Mon-Fri with their jobs, so I should look on the bright side.
The first bird that greets me as I drive past the barn is a male Sparrowhawk. By the way if you haven't seen it or read it there's a cracking article in this months BB on Sparrowhawks by Ian Newton. Thrush numbers, or more to the point Blackbird numbers, have dropped since Sunday. Although in the short walk round I had 19, which wasn't a bad count for here. Fieldfares and Redwings numbered only 3 and 5.
Perhaps the most notable and spectacular site of the morning were the large numbers of Woodpigeons. A large number were feeding to the west of the farm and then a second wave flew in from the east. In total I estimated 1,300 birds.
Tree Sparrow numbers were similar to recent days and I counted 209. Other related finch/bunting numbers included 6 Yellowhammers, 2 Reed Buntings and 4 Corn Buntings.
To brighten my page up I am going to include a photograph or two every time. This might be of something taken during a particular visit or something completely random and today is something completely random. Above is a picture of an adult Blue Tit. Now, the none ringers amongst you might say "how do you know its an adult". Well the answer is easy. If you look at the greater coverts you will see that they are all uniform blue showing no contrast in colouration or wear, which means that they have all been renewed at some point as part of a full moult meaning this bird is an adult. Told you it was easy!
Hey did you see that little bunting yesterday ? How far is that from your patch ? Might turn up at your feeding station, that would be nice eh....I'd prefer a pine bunting tho....That would be very nice in the hand... 8)
At least you can get out birding mate, I'm a bit stuffed for that at the moment !! Anyway, it'll soon be spring....
Lets see some more of those ringing pics... Got any more yanks ?
Unfortunately I was at work, so didn't see it! As the Little Bunt flies it was probably about 6 miles from my patch. And you're right Pine Bunting would be better! I keep hoping that one day with the Yellowhammers I might just get lucky! You have to dream!
I was sorry to hear about your accident, it must be a real bugger being house bind. Mind you if it was going to happen at least it happened at the right time of year, if you know what I mean.
I will be posting some more ringing pics and have some cracking shots of Snowy Owl in the hand from my mate that I will post.
By the way do you know how to add one of those 'hit counters' to a blog. I have tried but not succeeded.
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