As soon as I got out of the car I could see a flock of 300 Lapwing in the air with a number of Starlings. Most probably a raptor, and very likely to be the Peregrine that is hanging around at the moment, but I couldn't see anything. At the feeding station it was pleasing to note that the Tree Sparrow numbers had increased again to 237 with at least 12 Chaffinches as supporting cast.
As I flushed the Tree Sparrows whilst putting the seed down I could hear a Corn Bunting calling and sure enough a single bird was flying away from the hedge. All we need now is some decent weather so we can have an attempt at ringing here. Walking back along the hedge towards my car I pushed two Yellowhammers from the hedge. They had probably been hanging round the Pheasant feeder as usual.
If you remember I showed a couple of pictures in the hand of an adult female Coopers Hawk that my good mate Nigel sent me. He has now sent me a picture of an adult male Sharp-shinned Hawk in the hand (see below) and it is amazing how small it is. And we think a male Sparrowhawk is small!

The paper “Migratory Double Breeding in Neotropical Migrant Birds” was co-authored by the University of Washington’s Sievert Rohwer and Vanya Rohwer, and Keith Hobson of Environment Canada (and Chair of Bird Studies Canada’s National Science Advisory Council). The article provides evidence of dual breeding ranges for these birds, and considers implications for the conservation of these species". Interesting!
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