I visited my farmland bird feeding station late yesterday afternoon to my second feed of the autumn/winter and it was pleasing to note that a few Tree Sparrows were already using it, namely thirteen of them. I feed once a week to start off with and then increase the frequency of my seed drops to meet demand.
I did a little bit of management work on the hedges and then had a brief walk along the '97 Hedge' and 'Big Field'. I had a couple of raptors in the form of a Buzzard and Kestrel, and the Kestrel was posing nicely perched on top of a relatively close hedge until I got my camera out! In addition to the Tree Sparrows the only other 'classic' farmland birds I had were five Yellowhammers. I did have some other bits and pieces, but as I count everything for BirdTrack when I'm out I won't bore you with how many Blue Tits, Carrion Crows, Pheasants etc that I had!
It's an enforced day in for me today because of (a) too much work and (b) it's Gail's birthday, so I'd better make sure she is pampered a little to receive a good dollop of brownie points! More news over weekend hopefully if I can get that is as the forecast isn't brilliant to say the least!
Oh for a Tree Sparrow! Yellowhammers are a scarce bird here now, gone are the flocks of 40-60 I used to count ten years ago :-(
They're still hanging on up here Warren, but even here they're a lot less common. Do you get any Tree Sparrows on vis? Spurn had 960 over last Thursday (16th)!
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