Saturday, 21 March 2009

First Sarnies Of The Spring

Two Sandwich Terns east off Rossall Point this morning were the first off Rossall this spring. Mind you that was nearly all there is to report from this morning because of the murky conditions. When I arrived at 0625 the visibility across Morecambe Bay was none existent and it didn't improve much during the morning.

The view from a murky Rossall Point

Movement on the sea and overhead was much reduced compared to recent days. In terms of 'vis' I had 6 Alba Wags, 66 Meadow Pipits and single Linnet, Starling and Grey Wag! It wasn't much better on the sea with 19 Eider, 16 Cormorants, 2 Great Crested Grebes, 5 Red-breasted Mergansers, 4 Common Scoters, 4 Razorbills and the aforementioned Sandwich Terns.

Grounded migrants were limited to the single 'miserable' and 'bedraggled' looking Wheatear below.

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