Thursday, 26 January 2012

No Harriers For Lunch Today

On my way back from seeing a farmer client I called at my feeding station on the Moss. It was looking as though it was going to clear up as the sun was starting to break through the clouds, but this wouldn't last for long, and I was looking forward to a walk after feeding the Tree Sparrows.

Raptors were represented by a Kestrel and two Buzzards, but no Hen Harrier today. As I headed down the track 68 Lapwings went over heading southeast and I pushed a few Yellowhammers along the hedge. At the feeding station were 232 Tree Sparrows, 24 Chaffinch and 6 Yellowhammers.

As I headed up the '97' hedge I could see the weather closing in from the west and I pushed on as far as I could before the rain came in. On a field that had fodder radish in, but now had been stripped bare by sheep, were a flock of 120 Black-headed Gulls and out on some ceral stubble were 11 Stock Doves.

As I headed through the wild bird seed crop two Grey Partridges lifted along with 34 Skylarks and it was from here that the rain came in. I turned and quickly headed back to the car. I heard some Redwing and Fieldfare calls to the east of me and through my rain splattered bins I could just about make out there were perhaps a dozen birds but I couldn't make out the split.


It's going colder towards weekend and there is a chance that it might be calm enough for some ringing on Saturday or Sunday; fingers crossed!


Alan Pavey said...

Great Tree Sparrow count, they've all but disappeared here.

The Hairy Birder said...

Thanks Alan. They have declined up here too, but they can still be quite numerous in localised areas. Cheers, Seumus

Kelly said...

...Grey Partridges and Skylarks--both birds I would love to see some day. Sweet photo of the Redwing too.

The Hairy Birder said...

Thanks Kelly.