Wednesday, 31 December 2008

Normal Service Resumed - Well Almost, 31st December 2008

The plan was to do some ringing at Lee Farm near Myerscough College this morning but as soon as we met on site we decided to call it off because of the freezing fog. I called at Moss House Farm on my way home as I was a little concerned at the lack of Tree Sparrows yesterday. It was early when I called, (0815) in terms of light and I also thought that the fog may have prevented some of them from flying from their roost to the feeding station. So I was very pleased to note 40 birds feeding on the seed.

Interestingly Will went back to Lee Farm later in the morning to do some habitat management work and there were large numbers of Chaffinch (which he had noted earlier flying in from a roost at Myerscough College) and no Tree Sparrows. I think this just confirms the fact that if they are roosting off site they are not prepared or can't fly from roost to a feeding area that is any distance away when it is foggy.

Even though you have seen the picture below before I thought I would include it again.

I would just like to wish all my readers, fellow bloggers and birders everywhere a prosperous and above all bird-filled New Year!

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