Tuesday, 16 November 2010

End of Season

I had the day off today because this afternoon I was going for a Chinese in Manchester with her indoors and the outlaws. If you are in Manchester and fancy a Chinese check out Sweet Mandarin; excellent!

My plan for today was to take off all the ropes on the mist net rides at Rossall and then go and feed the Tree Sparrows on Rawcliffe Moss. However, my mate Ian found a Barred Warbler yesterday afternoon in a small copse near Fleetwood Marsh Nature Park so I decided to call there first. I would have had time to look for it yesterday but I knew that all the local 'Yealist Challenge' idiots would be there. And they were and they were thrown off some private property as well! Why these clowns can't view the bird from where they are supposed to and be a little patient I don't know.

When I went this morning two clowns had parked their vehicles in a farm gateway, when there was ample parking on the road, and another clown was in the field (trespassing) trying to see the bird. I gave it half an hour and left as I had more important things to do.

Before I went to Rossall I decided to call at the Marine Lakes to see if the Great Northern Diver was about as this time I had my camera with me. It was and I got a few snaps. See below.

I then went to the 'obs' as planned and took off the ropes on the mist net rides signalling the end of the season proper. There were quite a few Blackbirds around and I had 22 in total down the hedge alongside the track and in the central hedgerow. These were joined by 3 Song Thrushes and a Great Spotted Woodpecker. The 'Great Spot' flew from the copse to the hedge along the ditch and worked its way along the hedge and ditch. It seemed odd every time I pushed it from the hedge as I walked along. 

By the time I got to Rawcliffe Moss I only really had time to put some food out. In addition to this I did put a few ropes on in preparation for our first ringing session; hopefully this weekend. A Buzzard flew along the front of Curlew Wood calling as it was chased by some Crows and a Great Spotted Woodpecker called from Curlew Wood as well. I had another Great Spot on one of the peanut feeders.

Yellowhammers had increased to 3 and at the feeding station were 135 Tree Sparrows and 20 Chaffinch. Thirteen Fieldfare flew over and that was all I had before I had to head home. 


Ghost of Stringer said...

I think the moral of that story is to not bother reporting any scarce birds in future..... or even better report them after they have gone !! I'm sure that would go down well.... 8)

Peter Fearon said...

Cheeky trick to play on twitchers:

'Local Dogger' Bumper Stickers.

Then you can chuckle all day, wondering how many people have read it and wondered about the colourful sex life of a twitcher. Let's face it, the opposite is most likely true, however they do spend a lot of time in their cars...

The Hairy Birder said...

Thanks Gary and Peter. Both excellent ideas!