Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Working (?) From Home!

I was working from home today as I had a walk to prepare for that I am leading tomorrow. I put a question mark after 'working' because when I do work from home I get easily distracted. I might nip out birding for an hour, or put a net up in the garden; but today I was determined to stay motivated and get on with the task in hand. I did have a moment of weakness when I spent a while trying to photograph the Starlings and Goldfinch visiting my garden feeders. More of that in a minute.

Yesterday I called briefly at my feeding station on Rawcliffe Moss to feed. About 400 Woodpiegon were feeding in the stubble field close to the Teal pool and this is the most I have had here so far this autumn/winter. At the feding station I had 22 Chaffinch, 67 Tree Sparrows, 4 Blackbirds, 5 Fieldfares and a Mistle Thrush.

Walking back to my car I had 4 Yellowhammers at the Pheasant feeder and a group of 10 Corn Buntings flew over.

Back to my 'working from home day'. Below you will find a few pictures of the Goldfinch and Starlings on my feeders. Common, mundane birds perhaps; but cracking creatures nonetheless!

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