Friday, 10 April 2015

A Good Linnet Morning

I was back at the Obs this morning, and under the virtually clear skies with a 5 - 10 mph southeasterly wind a touch of murk had developed over the sea. Nevertheless it was a 'vis' rather than a 'grounded' morning. I just spent a couple of hours walking round before returning to the office for some report writing.

My vis totals included 54 Woodpigeons, a Carrion Crow, 54 Linnets, six Goldfinches, a Sand Martin, five Lesser Redpolls, three Alba Wags, a Chaffinch, 192 Meadow Pipits and a Snipe.

As I said before it wasn't much of a grounded morning and all I had were two Wheatears, a Chiffchaff and a Willow Warbler.

It was virtually impossible to see anything on the sea because of the misty conditions and consequently all I had was a Cormorant and male Red-breasted Merganser.

It's forecast for quite a stiff southwesterly wind overnight and into tomorrow with a rain front coming in from the Irish Sea during the early hours. It's hard to tell whether the rain will drop a few birds in or not, but I'll certainly get up and have a look.

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