Wednesday, 24 August 2016

A Bit Of Normality

After the emotional roller coaster of the last ten days it was nice to have a bit of normality this morning and I was out in south Cumbria completing my last bird survey for work for this particular project. Again it was an area of newly planted woodland and this site was along the River Winster not a million miles from Grange Over Sands.

It was a glorious morning with clear skies and virtually t-shirt weather from first light! First up were two Ravens flying over north giving their brilliant croaking call!A few phylloscs were present in the form of two Willow Warblers and a single Chiffchaff, but that was it on the warbler front.

The only raptor I recorded was a Buzzard flying low over the plantation and other flying birds included a Tree Pipit and two Grey Wagtails.Red listed farmland birds were represented by four Tree Sparrows and on the wader front a calling Common Sandpiper and 22 Lapwings over were the only takers.

Nothing amazing, but just great to be out nonetheless!

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