Saturday, 20 August 2016

July's Ringing Totals

Before I go into the ringing totals for Fylde Ringing Group until the end of July, I feel that I need to explain my lack of blog postings of late. I am not usually one to relate personal details of my life as it really isn't relevant to the blog and I also like to keep the personal details of my life, well personal! However, my lack of postings have been caused by mother recently falling ill and then passing away earlier this week.

Over on the right you will see that as usual I have updated Fylde Ringing Group's ringing totals up until the end of July. At 1,388 birds ringed so far we are just 20 behind where we were last year! Five new species were ringed for the year in July and these were Sand Martin, Swallow, House Martin, Pied Wagtail and Jackdaw.

Below you will find the top five ringed for July and the top ten 'movers and shakers' for the year.

Top Five Ringed In July

1. Swallow - 173
2. Reed Warbler - 33
3. Goldfinch - 13
4. Whitethroat - 11
5. Blue Tit - 10

Top Ten Movers and Shakers

1. Swallow - 173 (straight in)
2. Lesser Redpoll - 159 (down from 1st)
3. Goldfinch - 148 (down from 2nd)
4. Blue Tit - 131 (down from 3rd)
5. Great Tit - 95 (dwon from 4th)
6. Chaffinch - 79 (down from 5th)
7. Siskin - 59 (down from 6th)
8. Reed Warbler - 54 (straight in)
9. Meadow Pipit - 53 (down from 7th)
10. Pied Flycatcher - 49 (down from 8th)

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