Sunday, 6 March 2016

Early Spring Migrants

It was cold and cloudy with a 'keen' northerly wind when I set off on my walk at the Obs this morning. There was a small amount of vis in the form of five Alba Wags and a Grey Wag north. Grounded migrants consisted of just one species; Stonechat, a cracking summer plumaged male, plus a winter plumaged male and a female.

On the sea there was a steady passage of Lesser Black-backed and Common Gulls north and they all looked resplendent in their fresh summer plumage. The supporting cast on the sea was meagre and included nine Kittiwakes, four Eiders, two Cormorants and two Curlews.

There was great views to be had of all the upland areas surrounding the Fylde and I could see snow covered fells and mountains in Wales, the Lake District, Howgills, Bowland and the West Pennines.

 The snow capped Lakes

Early spring flowers always give me a buzz so it was nice to see plenty of Snowdrops and Gorse in flower; Lesser Celandines to come next!


I then had a look on the pools and had six Snipe, two Water Rails, eleven Coots, seven Tufted Ducks and four Little Grebes. The forecast is looking good, although northerly, for tomorrow so I might try and grab a couple of hours birding in the morning. I was hoping to get out birding in southwest Scotland but some errands that need completing will keep me in the land of the Sassenachs!

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