Tuesday, 8 March 2016

February's Ringing Totals

Over on the right you will see that I have updated the ringing totals for Fylde Ringing Group up until the end of February. Six new species were ringed during the month in the form of Jack Snipe, Snipe, Song Thrush, Goldcrest, Starling and Brambling.

Below you will find the top four ringed for the month and the 'Top 7 Movers and Shakers'.

Top Four Ringed

1. Goldfinch - 31
2. Chaffinc - 25
3. Great Tit - 13
4. Siskin - 11

Top Seven Movers and Shakers

1. Goldfinch - 78 (same position)
2. Chaffinch - 55 (up from 3rd)
3. Blue Tit - 38 (down from 2nd)
4. Great Tit - 21 (same position)
5. Coal Tit - 13 (up from 6th)
6. Siskin - 12 (straight in)
7. Robin - 10 (down from 5th)

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