Monday, 14 March 2016

Mipit Morning

I had a ringing session at the Obs yesterday morning and it was probably the best morning for vis of the spring so far. At first light I had full cloud cover and it was calm. As I drove down the track at 6:00 a.m. a Barn Owl floated past me, which was a good start for the morning. They do breed here, but once you get into spring it takes an early start to see them.

As I was putting the nets up the vis commenced with two Fieldfares and seven Redwings east. As I said before it was the best morning for vis so far this spring and my totals included in addition to the above; two Blackbirds, five Grey Wagtails, 147 Meadow Pipits, 890 Pink-footed Geese, 47 Alba Wags, five Chaffinches, a Little Egret, a Skylark and three Magpies. All this was counted whilst carrying out ringing operations as well!

 Pink-footed Geese

Grounded migrants were thin on the ground with just a single cracking male Stonechat. I ringed 17 birds as follows (recaptures in brackets):

Wren - 2 (1)
Meadow Pipit - 11
Lesser Redpoll - 1 (1 - control)
Blackbird - 1
Dunnock - 1
Greenfinch - 1

Lesser Redpoll

The forecast is looking good for a few days so hopefully work permitting I'll try and get out.out!

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