Saturday, 26 March 2016

I got up and found out.........

.........that the weathermen had got the forecast all wrong! There was a bit too much easterly in the southerly, making it quite cold this morning, and the rain didn't materialise until lunchtime!

In fact the wind was a good 20-25 mph southeasterly and it made birding quite difficult. The only grounded migrants I had at the Obs were a single Goldcrest in the main hedge and a male Wheatear (my first of the spring) along the fence line that got blown across the field when it took off!

There was some vis battling northeast and just two species; 39 Meadow Pipits and five Alba Wags. I had a brief look on the sea from my exposed position on the mound behind the sea wall and just had a Great Crested Grebe head south and 31 Whooper Swans head north being blown around by the wind.

The forecast is similar for tomorrow and there is every chance that I will be foolish enough to try again!

1 comment:

Phil Barnett said...

Just found your excellent blog which I'm linking to.
I have a blog for my patch in South Lancs