Over on the right you will see that I have updated the ringing totals for Fylde Ringing Group up until the end of March. As you will know we were unable to carry out any ringing within 10 km of a recent avian influenza outbreak and this suspension has only recently been lifted, so we are just getting back in to our stride. This means that our ringing totals so far this year are 319 behind where we were last year; hopefully we can catch up!
In March twelve new species were added to the list of species ringed so far in 2017 and these were Meadow Pipit, Dunnock, Blackbird, Blackcap, Goldcrest, Coal Tit, House Sparrow, Greenfinch, Siskin, Lesser Redpoll, Bullfinch and Reed Bunting.
Below you will find the top three ringed during March and the top seven 'movers and shakers' for the year:
Top 3 Ringed in March
1. Goldfinch - 27
2. Meadow Pipit - 14
Siskin - 14
Top 7 Movers and Shakers
1. Linnet - 59 (same position)
2. Goldfinch - 36 (straight in)
3. Lesser Redpoll - 24 (straight in)
4. Blue Tit - 18 (down from 2nd)
Siskin - 18 (straight in)
6. Meadow Pipit - 14 (straight in)
Chaffinch - 14 (straight in)
At the moment the forecast is looking okay to do some ringing at the Obs tomorrow with 5 mph ESE wind forecast, so fingers crossed!
Well iI hadn't registered with me that the bird flu would afect ringing, but now that you point it out it makes sense, just hadn't thought about it I suppose, interesting post all round.
All the best Gordon.
Thanks as always Gordon.
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