Monday, 2 June 2014

Last Nest Box Check of the Season

Gail and I made our last visit to our boxes in the Hodder Valley on Sunday morning and it was more of a treat for her than usual, as after 23 years of 'living over the brush' Gail and I got married on Saturday. So as a special honeymoon treat she was able to assist with the ringing of 24 Pied Flycatcher chicks. I bet there's not many ladies who can say that on the day after their wedding they were checking Pied Flycatcher boxes or any other nest boxes at all probably!

 Gail hard at work the day after our wedding!

Pied Flycatcher


Warren Baker said...

Congrats to you and Gail!!!

What a way to spend a honeymoon, a very lucky lady :-)

The Hairy Birder said...

Thanks Warren!